Reset, Recharge, Refocus: 3 Simple Steps to Boost Energy and Clarity

Jun 15, 2024

I often find that in our rush to get to our mats and connect with our bodies, the transition to stillness can be a challenging shift. The residue of a bustling day—thoughts racing towards the next task, the restlessness fueled by adrenaline and cortisol—often keeps us from truly connecting with the present moment. 

This disconnection undermines the essence of our yoga practice. Without a true connection to our body, breath, and mind, we miss out on the transformative experiences that yoga promises, both on and off the mat.

Recognizing this, I often begin my yoga classes with a simple yet effective routine to help my students let go of the day’s stress and ground themselves in their practice.

We hit the RESET button in 3 simple steps:

Shake, Tap, Breathe!

Why It Works:

The effectiveness of the Shake, Tap, and Breathe routine lies in its foundation in neurophysiological and energetic principles. Each component targets specific reactions in your body:

  1. Shaking: This motion helps release stored tension and stress in the muscles and fascia. Physiologically, shaking initiates a decrease in cortisol and adrenaline, hormones associated with stress, thereby calming the nervous system almost immediately. It mimics the natural response of animals to stress, which often involves physically shaking off tension after a threat has passed.

  2. Tapping: Tapping various points on the body can stimulate the nadis  This stimulation helps to clear blockages in these energy pathways, promoting a better flow of energy, or qi, throughout the body. Modern interpretations suggest that tapping helps activate the lymphatic system and increase blood circulation, further aiding in the reduction of stress hormones and boosting overall vitality.

  3. Breathing: Deep, intentional breathing has been shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and digestion. This counters the fight-or-flight response triggered by stress and anxiety. Controlled breathing also increases oxygen flow to the brain, which can alleviate anxiety and promote clearer thinking.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Shake: Begin standing with your knees slightly bent. Start shaking your legs, gradually moving up to your arms and head. Let your entire body shake for about one minute. Feel the release of tension as you let go of the stress physically.

  2. Tap: Engaging with the body through tapping awakens the nadis, the energy channels recognized in Ayurvedic and yoga traditions. This gentle stimulation helps clear any blockages in these pathways, facilitating a smoother flow of prana (life force) throughout the body. Tapping also promotes lymphatic drainage and boosts circulation, contributing to vitality and reduced stress hormone levels.

  3. Breathe: Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths. Inhale through your nose for a count of four, hold for a second, and exhale through your mouth for a count of six. Repeat this for three to five cycles, or continue if you find the rhythm particularly soothing.

Try incorporating this routine into your daily regimen, even for just a few minutes, to dramatically improve your stress, energy and focus. This practice not only prepares you for more profound engagement with your yoga sessions but also enhances your capacity to navigate daily challenges with ease and tranquility.

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